Tayo Little Bus Doc Band Wrap


Tayo Little Bus Doc Band Wrap! WE RECOMMEND YOU ONLY ORDER THIS DESIGN IF YOU HAVE A DOC BAND. Full helmet styles are more difficult to wrap and you might not get good results.

This Tayo Little Bus band wrap design is physical vinyl – this is not a “we email you an image and good luck turning it into something real”, and we have a video showing exactly how to install the wrap. It will measure 9.5 inches by 26 inches.  Please see note #5 – we recommend professional installation of the wraps.

Some folks ask about wrapping full helmets but we can’t in good conscience recommend a wrap for full helmets.  They have more curvature around the top compared to a doc band.  We can guarantee an experienced installer can install the wrap on a doc band and have it lay flat but we can’t make that guarantee for full helmets.  We have a number of cranial band designs for those helmets.

Please note #1– we show the wrap as a form-fitting outline for demonstration purposes but we will mail a full rectangle and the installer will trim the vinyl to fit your band.

Please note #2– We need to know which side your Doc Band opens on. Right vs. Left means where is the clasp as you look at your child. See the extra picture for a visual explanation.

Please note #3 – by default we will make the name 1.35 inches tall which works with most doc bands. However, some small doc bands might need the name as little as an inch high. Please measure yours and let us know if the name height needs to be reduced.

Please note #4 – the background color is default but can be changed by request – please note any color change in special instructions.

Please note #5 – we include the clear laminate. Most installers will apply this for you, but a few want it done by us before they install the wrap on your band.  So for a little extra (see the option below on the check out form) we will apply the laminate before the wrap ships. This generally will add 1-2 extra business days as we must wait for the ink to dry completely before applying the laminate. Shipping too soon can cause bubbling.

ALSO NOTE – you will want to find a local vinyl shop (there are seemingly millions of them) to professionally install this Tayo Little Bus doc band wrap. Installation should not be expensive, $25-$40 are typical fees.

The heat transfer is a matching decoration design you can apply to a shirt or we can apply to a onesie. These are great for baby pictures. See the matching apparel designs for pictures. You can apply the design to a shirt or similar clothing with your iron.

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Installing the Tayo Little Bus Doc Band Wrap is a little more involved than applying decals, and we have a video showing a wrap being applied to a Doc Band.

Left Open vs Right Open – What side is the clasp on as you look at your child’s face?

Left vs right doc band openings
Left vs right doc band openings

We only recommend wrapping doc bands – full helmets are more tricky to apply a wrap to. And vinyl wrap installation is an art, we recommend you find a local sign shop and have them apply the Tayo Little Bus Doc Band Wrap. If they are not confident to apply the Doc Band wrap, you can point them to our video showing a professional wrap the Doc Band.

Wrapping the helmet involves the right application of heat and professional installation should be $50 or less.

We have about a thousand designs. If you like a helmet design but do not see it offered as a doc band wrap, please just message us info@blingyourband.com and we will be happy to convert it to a wrap design.


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